
I need to update my exist data in mysql database.

I write like this code;

        String _id = lbID.Text;
        dsrm_usersTableAdapters.rm_usersTableAdapter _t = new dsrm_usersTableAdapters.rm_usersTableAdapter();
        dsrm_users _mds = new dsrm_users();
        _mds.EnforceConstraints = false;

        dsrm_users.rm_usersDataTable _m = _mds.rm_users;

        _t.FillBy4(_m, _id);
        if(_m.Rows.Count >0 )

            DataRow _row = _m.Rows[0];


            _row["username"] = txtUserName.Text;





But nothing change my exists data. What is the Problem?

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Solution 2

Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows

Yes I move the AccesptChange() after update bu now its give this error

Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows

But now problem is, I use MySQL and I can not Wrie UpdateCommand , VS2008 does not accept the SQL command. Automaticly delete all SQL command. I dont understand the problem. So do you now another way without using SQL command (UpdateCommand) ?


I think the problem is that you call DataRow.AcceptChanges() before calling DbDataAdapter.Update(). AcceptChanges will set the status of the datarow to "orignal" (or "not changed" - I don't remeber now). Try to move the call to AcceptChanges to after the Update.

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