
I want to create a tree view which fetching data from Database and after that order it by parent field So table fields are included :




the record that is been mentioned by name " product_category_parent_id" is 0 without any root and when it wish have any ID code / number , parent Id should come in this palce so structure of the table must be sent to the View :

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There is an example how to create CTreeView

private function generateTree($models)
    $data = array();

    foreach ($models as $category) {
        $data[$category->id] = array(
            'id'   => $category->id,
            'text' => '<a href="/admin/catalog/category/id/'.$category->id.'">'.$category->category_name.'</a>',

        foreach ($category->goods as $item) {
            $data[$category->id]['children'][$item->id] = array(
                'id'   => $item->id,
                'text' =>  '<a href="/admin/catalog/item/id/'.$item->id.'">'.$item->article.'</a>',
                'expanded' => false,

    return $data;

In view

$this->widget('CTreeView', array('data' => $data,'persist'=>'cookie'));
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