
i'm trying to make a web only using couchdb and couchapp...
but for some reason i need external process using python..
and now i'm stuck how to handle post variable in python...

i'v read this(and it works) and this...

but i want it like this :

>>> a = {"success":1,"data":{"var1":1,"var2":2,"var3":3}}
>>> a["data"]["var2"]
>>> var2

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'var2' is not defined
>>> for key, value in a["data"].items():
    print  (key, value)
('var1', 1)
('var3', 3)
('var2', 2)
>>> var1

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#6>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'var1' is not defined

i want, when i type var2, it return 2
in other word how to make nested child object become a variable when i don't know how much len the data.. it's because in external python, how to handle post variable is like this req["form"]["var1"]

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you should try to update your local (not recommended) or global dictionnary with your data dictionnary

>>> a = {"success":1,"data":{"var1":1,"var2":2,"var3":3}}
>>> a["data"]["var2"]
>>> locals().update(a["data"])
>>> var2


>>> globals().update(a["data"])
>>> var2

To do this in a safe way, you have to trust the source of the data you're updating your globals dictionnary with, to avoid builtin's replacement or other funny code injections.


Could use the python "exec" statement to build a string and then execute it dynamically.

a = {"success":1,"data":{"var1":1,"var2":2,"var3":3}}

for key, value in a["data"].items():
    exec('%s=%s' % (key, value, ))

print 'var1:', var1
print 'var2:', var2
print 'var3:', var3

To do this safely, I would suggest something like:

allowed_variables = ('var1', 'var2', 'var3')

for k,v in a["data"].iteritems():
    if k in allowed_variables:
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