
I have to compare two colors in In C++ it's possible because there is defined == operator. In Visual Studio won't let me compile the code. How to resolve that? Error: 1>E:\DB\Dropbox\Repozytoria\ARDSQL GUI\Sources\StatusBar.cs(91,17,91,70): error CS0019: Operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'SFML.Graphics.Color' and 'SFML.Graphics.Color'

My code:

if (base.barRectangle.FillColor == Color.Green)
     ///Do something...
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Try comparing the individual components:

if (base.barRectangle.FillColor.r == Color.Green.r &&
    base.barRectangle.FillColor.g == Color.Green.g &&
    base.barRectangle.FillColor.b == Color.Green.b){
     ///Do something...

Or you could try writing a color comparison function of your own:

bool isEqualSFColors(SFML.Graphics.Color c1, SFML.Graphics.Color c2){
    if (c1.r == c2.r &&
        c1.g == c2.g &&
        c1.b == c2.b){
        return true;
    return false;

Note that I did not include alpha into the comparison (yourColor.a is how you would get it).

SFML is also open source, so you are free to add the operator overloading you desire:

It's also possible that you are using an older version/binary that you found. I haven't used, but I'm sure if you grab a newer copy there may already be this feature built-in.

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