
I have a Gradle script that needs to look in a file path for SpecFlow.exe. The problem is, the path will include the current version of SpecFlow in the name. Since I will be using similar scripts within many projects using SpecFlow, I don't want them to have to be coupled to a specific version in case we upgrade in the future. This is what the task/command looks like currently:

task testReports (type: Exec) {
    commandLine 'cmd', '/c', '..\\packages\\SpecFlow.1.9.0\\tools\\specflow.exe','nunitexecutionreport', 'pathtocsproj/myproject.csproj', '/xmlTestResult:..\\nunitoutput_myproject.xml', '/out:testReports\\TestResult_myproject.html'

I tried the following:

task testReports (type: Exec) {
    commandLine 'cmd', '/c', '..\\packages\\SpecFlow.*\\tools\\specflow.exe', 'nunitexecutionreport', 'pathtocsproj/myproject.csproj', '/xmlTestResult:..\\nunitoutput_myproject.xml', '/out:testReports\\TestResult_myproject.html'

But that gave me an error: "> Process 'command 'cmd'' finished with non-zero exit value 1"

Is there a way for me to include wildcards in this path?

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You can create a file tree - - with include filter matching **/SpecFlow.exe and then call its and obtain path from it. Of course there is a question how you want to handle case when there are more versions of this package installed.

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