
I have an Excel formula that currently looks up a user ID in another worksheet and if it finds it then it pulls information from a cell 6 places away.


However in a sitiuation where the cell is blank I want to make an additional check to see if column P on the same worksheet has a value Virtual and if it does then I want to populate the field with the value Migrated?

How would I accomplish this?

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You can try this one:

=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A:A,'ARM Requests'!A:F,6,FALSE),IF(AND(A:A="",P:P="Virtual"),"Migrated",""))

However much faster is to use something like this, say in B1:

=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A1,'ARM Requests'!A:F,6,FALSE),IF(AND(A1="",P1="Virtual"),"Migrated",""))

and then drag formula down.

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