
I’m trying to add Vimeo embeds with options (colors, etc). However, it seems that Vimeo doesn’t recognize the options if the iframe is created using jQuery or DOM:

var fail = $('<iframe>', {
    src: ';byline=0&amp;portrait=0&amp;color=a4a9ab'

But, if I use innerHTML, it works (it also works using plain HTML).

var ok = $('<div>').html('<iframe src=";byline=0&amp;portrait=0&amp;color=a4a9ab"></iframe>');

Test fiddle:

I would really like to use DOM tools for the task, so I can reference the iframe element and get rid of the extra wrapper.

Is there another "correct" way of doing this?

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If you inspect the dynamically created iframe, you will discover that the &amp; entities are not resolved, so you don't have & in the src, but literal &amp;

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