
Is it GCC 4.7.0 or is it me? What do I do wrong?

This throws an std::system_error "operation not permitted" exception:

struct DumbFib {
    size_t operator()(size_t n) { return fib(n); }
    static size_t fib(size_t n) {
        return n<2 ? 1 : fib(n-2)+fib(n-1);

void sample() {
    DumbFib dumbfib;
    thread th{ dumbfib, 35 };    // <- system_error!

while this works:

void work(size_t loop) {
    for(int l = loop; l>0; --l) {
        for(int i = 1000*1000; i>0; --i)
        cerr << l << "...";
    cerr << endl;

int main() {
    thread t { work, 100 };     // <- fine

The difference is, of course:

  • The not-working code uses a Functor (class with operator())
  • The working code uses a function-pointer.

Do I use the functor wrong, somewhere? I can not see where, do you? Is it a hint that the gdb has this in its stack:

#7  ... in std::thread::_M_start_thread (..., __b=warning: RTTI symbol not found\
  for class 'std::_Sp_counted_ptr_inplace<std::thread::_Impl<std::\
  _Bind_simple<DumbFib()(int)> >, ..., (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>

Notes: I also tried

  • Initialize DumbFib first, giving it a member-variable n_=35, same result.
  • Giving the functor directly with thread th{ DumbFib, 35 }; or thread th{ DumbFib{}, 35 };
Was it helpful?


When compiling your code with g++, use the -pthread option.


I was also facing similar problem, and thanks Jason, it solved my problem

The exact options will be

g++ code.cpp -lpthread -std=c++0x

That's what I have to do on g++ version 4.6.3

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