
Anyone know of a real-time currency rate webservice with frequent update (multiple pr. min.). Needed for a small android app I'm building, so needs to be free.

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You can try Yahoo. It is free and easy to use.

For example, to convert from GBP to EUR:

gives you data in csv format which can easily be parsed.


I would recommend European Central Bank. They provide a daily xml feed, nice and simple.

Have you tried with ?

You can use it's The Forever Free Plan with following features provided.

  • Hourly rate updates

  • Daily historical data

  • 1,000 API requests per month

Real time financial services are usually not available for free. You will find a lot of delayed services ( tipically 15 min ) for free, but you have to make sure licensing allow you to use it in your own application as well.

you have some webs where you can take this information. The problem... usually you need pay for this service. Same examples :

I would suggest Mondor's web service, especially the WebAPI one. Not free, but could be about 5$ per year, depending from your architecture. Anyway, here's the link:

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