
I want to display date into grid(devexpress) where the column namely ColumnB is fixed which is of type string, here i want to display all type of data into the column for example shown below:


if(columnname == 'empname')
   columnB =  reader["empname"].ToString() != null ? reader["empname"].ToString() : ""; 

else if ( columnname == 'empdate')
   //my try
 Datetime temp = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["empdate"])!= null ? Convert.ToDateTime(read["empdate"]): null; 
 columnB = temp.ToString();    //columnB is of string type

Here in the "else if" part, I am not getting how do i convert it into string to display in the same column of the grid.

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You may try this:

<DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False">
        <DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding TheDate, StringFormat={}{0:MM/dd/yyyy}}" />

And if you dont want to use the above method then you may try with string.Format()

string.Format("{0:dd MM yyyy}", date);
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