
I was wondering how you can do .keyup() and .click() for the same #id?

i.e. essentially I want to validate the #id when both the user attempts to hit enter or hits the #search button.

Thanks alot

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$('#foo').bind('click keyup', function(event) {

You'll have to add some logic, as the event type changes, but it should work with enough if blocks.


Well you can do:

        $(document).keydown(function(objEvent) {
            if (objEvent.keyCode == 13) {  //clicked enter
                 $('#search').click(); //do click

        $("#search").click(function(e){/*click fn*/})

Will run the click on enter press

    if (event.keyCode == '13') validate();
function validate() { ... validate $(this).val(); ... }

I'd go for something like this:

function validate(element) {
     // your validation stuff goes here

$('#id').keyup(function(event) {
    if (event.keyCode == 13) {  
}).click(function() {

The new jQuery offers the which property on the event to check which key was pressed so yo can do something like this now:

    if (e.which==13 || e.which==9) doSomething(this); //Enter or Tab key
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