
I have an array and looping through it and pushing the data using for loop.

$test_data = [10,20,35,01,50,60,87,12,45,86,9,85];

Actually that's a sample data. But my data is a result similar to that which I get from PostgreSQL, a single column data.

Using the below function for $test_data.

for( $x=0; $x < 12; $x++ ) {
    $chart_data['data1'] = $test_data[$x];

Result : {"data1":{"data": 85"}}

Here's the for loop which I use along the PostgreSQL result in the PHP.

for( $x=0; $x < pg_num_rows($query); $x++ ) {
    $data['data1'] = pg_fetch_assoc($query);

Even here I get only the last row in the browser when I do - echo json_encode($data);

Something similar to the result what I've mentioned above.

First 9 rows are not getting inserted into the data[]. Only the last row is getting added to the array.

Please say me where I'm doing the mistake.

Thanks in advance.

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Since arrays cannot have same key as index.

You need to rewrite it as ..

for( $x=0; $x < 12; $x++ ) {
    $chart_data['data1'][] = $test_data[$x];
    //                  ^^ <--- Add that.

As Loic suggested go with a foreach , I answered quickly so it didn't strike on my mind in the first place

foreach($test_data as $val)
 $chart_data['data1'][] = $val;


You could do like this (without using pg_num_rows):

// better initialize the result array
$data = array('data1' => array());

while ($row = pg_fetch_assoc($query)) {
  // here is the point, add element to the array
  $data['data1'][] = $row;
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