
I wanna program a simple calculator. The calculations are in functions. My problem is, the result is always 0. :( What is wrong? Look at my code please:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

double addition(double a,double c);
double subtraktion(double a, double c);
double multiplikation(double a, double c);
double division(double a, double c);

int main()
  double z=0, a, c;
  char b;
  printf("Insert your Numbers to calculate!");
  scanf_s("%lf", &a);
  scanf_s("%c", &b);
  scanf_s("%lf", &c);
  if (b == '+')
    addition(a, c);
  if (b == '-')
    subtraktion(a, c);
  if (b == '*')
    multiplikation(a, c);
  if (b == '/')
    division(a, c);
  printf("Result:  %lf", z);

double addition(double a, double c)
  double z;
  z = a + c;

double subtraktion(double a, double c)
  double z;
  z = a - c;

double multiplikation(double a, double c)
  double z;
  z = a*c;

double division(double a, double c)
  double z;
  z = a / c;

I program with Visual Studio 2013. I tried to debug the Program but this don´t work. Please forgive me my bad English.

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Solution 2

I tried this code and it works properly:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

double addition(double a,double c);
double subtraktion(double a, double c);
double multiplikation(double a, double c);
double division(double a, double c);

int main()
  double z=0, a, c;
  char b;
  printf("Insert your Numbers to calculate!");
  scanf("%lf", &a);
  scanf("%c", &b);
  scanf("%lf", &c);
  if (b == '+')
    z = addition(a, c);
  if (b == '-')
    z = subtraktion(a, c);
  if (b == '*')
    z = multiplikation(a, c);
  if (b == '/')
    z = division(a, c);
  printf("Result:  %lf\n", z);

double addition(double a, double c)
  double z;
  z = a + c;

double subtraktion(double a, double c)
  double z;
  z = a - c;

double multiplikation(double a, double c)
  double z;
  z = a*c;

double division(double a, double c)
  double z;
  z = a / c;

Compile and then in input type: 3+2 [Press enter] and it shows the exact result!

P.S. I deleted the 'custom' header and then used the simple scanf function. I deleted the system("pause") too because I'm not under Visual Studio. (so you may need that)

So what I've done is:
- Deleted your custom header #include "stdafx.h"
- Edited the scanf_s to scanf(...)
- Added z = functions()
- printf(...\n) // not necessary

And it works.


Nowhere are you assigning the results of the operation to z. Instead of:

if (b == '+')
    addition(a, c);


You should do

if (b == '+')
    z = addition(a, c);


And likewise for all the other cases

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