How to hook WIN32 WM_SYSCOMMAND and SC_SIZE and still enable window resizing? [duplicate]


  •  13-07-2023
  •  | 


I'm intercepting (hooking) WMSYSCOMMAND and SC_SIZE messages for my application with intention of resizing child controls as user resizes the main window.

I'm successful at my primary goal, but a side effect occurred: main window is now not resized and user can not drag its borders to do so.

How do I react upon SC_SIZe to resize child controls and not block main window resize (I wan't it to work).


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Resize your child controls in WM_SIZE and leave those other messages alone (letting them go to DefWindowProc).

There's a user-setting that controls whether windows are updated as they're sized. If you try to do what you're doing, you'll be overriding that setting, which is a rude thing to do to your users.

If the setting is enabled (which it is by default on modern version of Windows), your top-level window will receive WM_SIZE messages and WM_PAINT during the resize operation.

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