
I need to setup the jPlayer directory to a folder which is not called "/Default/MediaGallery" but "/MyFolder/CurrentMedia/".

Please, can anyone help me to find a way to change the setting in jPlayer - Version: 1.0.1


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Looks like the name is hardcoded. There is no way to get rid of the "/Default" part of the path, as the jPlayer module is using the Orchard Media feature, which has a default root folder named after each of the tenants (it's a multitenant-friendly module). You can alter only the following part of that path by changing the name (MediaGalleries) in line 12 of the file linked above.


@PiotrSzmyd is right, it's partly hardcoded. The "Default" comes from the field Name in Orchard.Web\App_Data\Sites\Default\Settings.txt and the paths are hardcoded in Orchard\FileSystems\Media\FileSystemStorageProvider.cs. Sadly there is no way to change the behaviour of this class with handlers or something. There are 2 options now

  1. change the source code of Orchard
  2. work around it by adding a module that provides a custom implementation of IStorageProvider and when needed (means media storage path is outside of the Orchard directory structure) an additional MVC controller to serve the media files.

I changed the media storage path to \\<server>\Files$\<build_configuration>\Media by using the second option.

First, here's the essential parts of the IStorageProvider:

Custom IStorageProvider implementation

[Orchard.Environment.Extensions.OrchardSuppressDependency("Orchard.FileSystems.Media.FileSystemStorageProvider")] // adopted from AzureBlobStorageProvider.cs
public class FileSystemStorageProvider : Orchard.FileSystems.Media.IStorageProvider
  private Orchard.FileSystems.Media.FileSystemStorageProvider mFileSystemStorageProvider;

  public FileSystemStorageProvider(Orchard.Environment.Configuration.ShellSettings settings)
    // use Orchard's default IStorageProvider for implementation
    mFileSystemStorageProvider = new Orchard.FileSystems.Media.FileSystemStorageProvider(settings);

    var lFileSystemStorageProviderType = mFileSystemStorageProvider.GetType();

    // get media storage path, e.g. from configuration file
    var lStoragePath = GetMediaStoragePath();

    lStoragePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(lStoragePath, settings.Name);

    // _storagePath is private read-only, so change it the hard way by using reflection
      .GetField("_storagePath", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic)
      .SetValue(mFileSystemStorageProvider, lStoragePath);

    string lVirtualPath = "~/Files/" + settings.Name + "/";

      .GetField("_virtualPath", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic)
      .SetValue(mFileSystemStorageProvider, lVirtualPath);

    string lPublicPath = mFileSystemStorageProvider.GetPublicUrl(null).Replace("/Media/" + settings.Name + "/", "/Files/" + settings.Name + "/");

      .GetField("_publicPath", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic)
      .SetValue(mFileSystemStorageProvider, lPublicPath);

  #region Implementation of IStorageProvider

    public bool FileExists(string aPath)
      return mFileSystemStorageProvider.FileExists(aPath);


This custom implementation maps

  • storage path to \\<server>\Files$\<build_configuration>\Media
  • virtual path to ~/Files/Default/
  • absolute path to /Files/Default/

There is a problem now. Orchard would render media URLs as but there is no directory called Files in the Orchard directory structure. Now the custom route comes into play.

Custom route

public class Routes : Orchard.Mvc.Routes.IRouteProvider
  public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Orchard.Mvc.Routes.RouteDescriptor> GetRoutes()
    Orchard.Mvc.Routes.RouteDescriptor[] lRoutes =
      new Orchard.Mvc.Routes.RouteDescriptor[] 
        new Orchard.Mvc.Routes.RouteDescriptor()
          Name = "Custom route for media files",
          Priority = 10000, 
          Route = new System.Web.Routing.Route(
            new System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary() 
              {"area", "MyModule"},
              {"controller", "Media"},
              {"action", "GetFile"}
            new System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary() {},
            new System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary() { {"area", "MyModule"} },
            new System.Web.Mvc.MvcRouteHandler()

    return lRoutes;

  public void GetRoutes(System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<Orchard.Mvc.Routes.RouteDescriptor> arRoutes)
    foreach (var lRouteDescriptor in GetRoutes())

This route implementation ensures a redirect of to a specific media controller that looks like this:

Media controller

public class MediaController
  public MediaController(Orchard.FileSystems.Media.IMimeTypeProvider aMimeTypeProvider)
    mMimeTypeProvider = aMimeTypeProvider;

  public System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult GetFile(string aRelativePath)
    string lMediaStoragePath, lErrorMessage;

    // get media storage path, e.g. from configuration file
    if (GetMediaStoragePath(out lMediaStoragePath, out lErrorMessage))
      string lFilename = System.IO.Path.Combine(lMediaStoragePath, aRelativePath);
      string lMimeType = mMimeTypeProvider.GetMimeType(lFilename);

      return File(lFilename, lMimeType);
      return Content(lErrorMessage);

  // private
    private Orchard.FileSystems.Media.IMimeTypeProvider mMimeTypeProvider;
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