
Hope this question is Genuine !!

I have a form with jquery validation, every field is validated on keypress and submit.

Is there a way I can send every validation error to google analytics.

I am able to send if I use javascript custom validation, but not sure about jquery validation plugin.

Code sample:

//validate form
    rules: {
        / .... /
    messages: {
        / .... /
    highlight: function(element) {
    success: function(element) {

    /* Some code which sends all error messages to google analytics event */
    /* On keyup and on submit error messages */
    /* GA code sample - _gaq.push(['_trackEvent','Sign up', 'Sign up validation', 'Dynamic error message' )]); */       

    submitHandler: function() {
        }); // ajax
    } // submitHandler
  }); // validate (jQuery Plugin)   
}); //doc ready
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Quote OP:

"I am able to send if I use javascript custom validation, but not sure about jquery validation plugin."

If you can already do this in a custom JavaScript function, then you should be able to put that inside the invalidHandler callback function. It's fired whenever the submit button is clicked on an invalid form.

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