
I was performing factor analysis with data state.x77, which is in R by default. After running the analysis, I inspected the factor loadings.

> output = factanal(state.x77, factors=3, rotation="promax")
> ld = output$loadings
> ld

           Factor1 Factor2 Factor3
Population  0.161   0.239  -0.316 
Income     -0.149   0.681         
Illiteracy  0.446  -0.284  -0.393 
Life Exp   -0.924   0.172  -0.221 
Murder      0.917   0.103  -0.129 
HS Grad    -0.414   0.731         
Frost       0.107           1.046 
Area        0.387   0.585   0.101 

               Factor1 Factor2 Factor3
SS loadings      2.274   1.519   1.424
Proportion Var   0.284   0.190   0.178
Cumulative Var   0.284   0.474   0.652

It looks like that by default R is blocking all values less than 0.1. I was wondering if there is a way to set this blocking level by hand, say 0.3 instead of 0.1?

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try this:

print(output$loadings, cutoff = 0.3)

see ?print.loadings for the details.

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