
We have a few FreeBSD 10 servers and we are trying to get this tiny piece of code work right.

class H {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws {
    (new java.lang.ProcessBuilder("/bin/echo")).start();

With OpenJDK 1.7.0_55, it throws an exception:

Exception in thread "main" Cannot run program "/bin/echo": error=2, No such file or directory

With OpenJDK 1.7.0_51, it is working.

Here is the output of ls -l /bin/echo

-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  6096 Mar 27 09:48 /bin/echo

Java is unable to find any file (and not just /bin/echo).

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The 7.55.13_3,1 to 7.55.13_4,1 upgrade appears to fix this problem for me. It was a problem for me too on the previous release only. More details of the patch can be seen here: even though it doesn't immediately look like it would fix this issue.

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