
I added CKEditor to my project. After final configuration, I am not able to commit folder dialog in folder ckeditor/plugins. When I open TortoiseHG Workbench, there is no dialog folder to commit. Other users after update didn't get that folder, so editor not work for others.

I am not ignoring that folder. Here is my .hgignore file: syntax=regex ^\. ^target/ ^jsTestDriver\.conf$ ^node_modules/ ^run-ft\.bat$ ^run-ut\.bat$ log$ versionsBackup$ main\.css$ \.idea$ \.iml$

When I rename folder dialog to something else (for example dialog2), it automatically appears and I can commit, but dialog2 is useless for me. Please, any ideas?

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Yes, it is normal, you have


Which excludes the string if it ends with log, as in dialog...

If you need to exclude .log file, use



Use hg add in console and add directory by hand (or move .hgignore temporary out of repository and add in GUI)

Try something like hg add -I ckeditor/plugins/dialog/* -n (and fix probably bad pattern for good result)

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