
I have a UIView animation such as :

[UIView animateWithDuration:0.5 animations:^{
    //properties to animate

Is it possible to have a gesture connected to this animation so you can have an interactive transition?

For example, I have a square, when I touch it, it transitions to double it's size. However, when I pinch it, I like it to become interactively bigger or smaller depending on the pinch scale. When a user let's go and the square is 150% larger it will finish the transition else it will cancel the transition and animates back to it's previous state. Hope this makes sense.

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I think percent-driven interactive transition is only enabled for view controller transitions right now. That's not to say that the technology is not there, it obviously is (see here, namely startInteractiveTransition:containerViews:animation:), but Apple has chosen not to expose this method for the time being. Right now, it is called only when performing view controller transitions (push/pop and presentation).


There is an update since iOS 10, everything is now possible with UIViewPropertyAnimator: you can make the animation interactive or automatic, or even change the parameters on the fly.

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