
FOllowing the video and sample code from to upload any file from local system to google drve i was stuck with an error which states

"Refused to display '…%2Flocalhost&response_type=token&state=513052220%7C0.1330524626&authuser=0' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'."

I registered for a new client ID and also changes in the code with new clien ID Also disabled the chrome security using "chrome.exe --user-data-dir="c:/temp/chromedev" --disable-web-security" in run command.

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Solution 3

This is not related to disabling security in chrome browser. I believe there might me some issues with my XAMPP Windows local host.Deploying the same application in node.js server or hosting Dropbox/Google Drive as a web app also works fine.


I faced the below issue while loading the PDF document into iframe from google drive.

Problem: Refused to display '' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'.

Reason: As per my analysis, I faced this issue due to the URL is not considering as embedded to allow loading from other websites.

Solution: I did even tried with the solution of adding ?embedded=true to the URL but still no luck. Then I got one solution from and replaced the view with preview in my URL and problem solved.

The browswer sequrity is nonsense since Google Realtime API is intended to work with default security.

I received this error when supplied clientId = 'garbage'. Indeed, your client_id=<AIzaSyDa2kGIMQCLdfzk looks like garbage. Correct client_id shoud look like ''

I don't know if this is still relevant, i got the same error loading a google docs in an iframe. After stripping the page of everything i had, removing the doctype solved my issue. After this i found out there was a parameter ?embedded=true which allowed me to load it in a fancybox, which looks nicer anyway. Hope it helps any1, sorry if it's not relevant for you.

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