
I want there rows alignment by col, I write the code:

result.seq_content = 'GCAUCCGGGUUGAGGUAGUAG'
result.vel_bar =     '|| ||||||  ||| ||| ||'
result.seq_match =   'CG.AGGUUC..UUC.AUC.UC'
<table style="font-family:Courier, monospace;">
    {{ result.seq_content}}
    {{ result.vel_bar}}
    {{ result.seq_match}}

But the result is enter image description here

Multiple spaces become a space.

I used tag pre, but the size of A, C, G, U is not equal to the size of | or space, so it failed.

I changed the code:

result.seq_content = 'GCAUCCGGGUUGAGGUAGUAG'
result.vel_bar =     '|| ||||||  ||| ||| ||'
result.seq_match =   'CG.AGGUUC..UUC.AUC.UC'
<table style="font-family:Courier, monospace;">
    {{ result.seq_content}}
    {% for e in result.vel_bar %}
        {% if e == ' '%}
        {% else%}
            {{ e}}
        {% endif%}
    {% endfor%}
    {{ result.seq_match}}

But the size of {{ e}} is bigger than A, C, G, U.

So how could I align multiple spaces, like this:

|| ||||||  ||| ||| ||

Thanks! :D

The problem has been solved.

I replaced all ' ' with nbsp;, and cancel the automatic escape, this is my code:

result.vel_bar = result.vel_bal.repalce(' ', '&nbsp;')

<td align="left">
{{ result.seq_content }}
{% autoescape false%}
{{ result.vel_bar}}
{% endautoescape %}
{{ result.seq_match }}

Thank you for help. :D

Was it helpful?


First of all it was good to use a monospace font. HTML replaces multiple spaces to a single one: but you can replace each space with &nbsp; result.vel_bar.replaceAll(/\s/, '&nbsp;') This way your alignment should be perfect.


You can break those sequence elements using some php/js/python arrays and then build it up using php/js/python using the css classes that make it happen:

So basically you parse your data:


^--Parser -->

and for each sequence you take the 3 elements out (ex: G, |, C) and build it using php, js or python using the div construction in that fiddle I posted.

Have fun.

Try using <pre> tag in <td>

    '|| ||||||  ||| ||| ||'


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