
I am opening a .dialog modal and loading html. I am applying jQuery selectable to a list that is in the html and displayed in the .dialog modal. Selectable is not working, the straight html for the list is being displayed.




         var $test_dialog = jQuery('<div></div>').html('<ul id="selectable">

    }) // end fullCalendar



Other details:

I am loading fullCalendar on a page, and when the user clicks on the calendar, the .dialog modal with the list opens.

Thanks for any suggestions.

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Always make sure you've loaded the html first before actually calling the selectable function.

$(function() {
  var html = '';
  html += '<ul id="selectable">';
  html += '<li>1</li>';
  html += '<li>2</li>';
  html += '<li>3</li>';
  html += '</ul>';

here's a jsfiddle example


Had a similar sounding issue but a different solution. For me, the issue was recognizing that I need to add the class ui-widget-content to the individual elements that were to be considered selectable. By contrast, I could just call .draggable() on them and they became draggable without adding any classes.

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