
I have two views V1 and V2 which have n and m subviews respectively. Among the m and n subviews there is a view 'p' which is common.

I am trying to find out this common view 'p' among m and n subviews. Obviously the brute force approach of O(m*n) works fine to get the common view p. But I would like to know if there is a better efficient algorithm that I can use to get that one unique common view which is present in both V1 and V2.

V1 = {B, K, L, P, O, B, C, A, Q, R} V2 = {A, X, W, S, T, K, O};

Running brute-force gives me O as the answer in O(m*n). Here the views O and O have same class. As pointed out in the comments, I am NOT looking for views which have same frame.

Any efficient way to do this?

After some thoughts and also @CrimsonChris answer's, I have the below solution

- (void)commonView:(UIView *)a1 with:(UIView *)a2 {

    NSMutableSet *s = [[NSMutableSet alloc] initWithCapacity:[[a1 subviews] count]];
    for (UIView *a1SubViews in [a1 subviews]) {
        [s addObject:[a1SubViews class]];

    for (UIView *a2SubView in [a2 subviews]) {
        if ([s containsObject:[a2SubView class]]) {
            NSLog(@"#Boom, I found the common view %@", a2SubView);
    NSLog(@"NO common subview");

But this uses O(n) space, can we optimize it more further?

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You could build a hash table out of the subviews with each subview's class name as the key.

That's O(n) performance but also O(n) in size.


We can do this with O(1) space and O(max(m , n) log m ) time (with m <= n).

If we have two array int[]a and b with n and m elements:

  • First, we can sort array b -> time complexity is O(mlogm)
  • For each element of array a -> use binary search to search for this element in array b -> time complexity is O(nlogm)

So at the end, we have a total time complexity is O(max(m , n) log m ) with space is O(1) if you use in-place sorting algorithm (for example: merge - sort).

We can replace int[] a and b with any Object array, as long as these Object are comparable. (Using hash code is also an option).

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