
Using the jQuery Validation plugin and AJAX, how can I validate the contents of say an input (textbox) but pass more than one parameter to a controller action?

A brilliant example of passing a single value via AJAX using the plugin can be found here.

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Looking at the code for jQuery Validation it looks like the post data can not be customized. So you'll have to stick with query parameters:

 <script type="text/javascript">
    var param1 = $('#mytextbox').val();

          required: true,
          remote: '<%=Url.Action("IsLoginAvailable", "Accounts") %>?param1=' + param1



Something like this?

  $("#form-sign-up").validate( {
    rules: {
      email: {
        required: true,
        email: true
      surname: {
        required: true,
        surname: true
    messages: {
      email: {
        required: "Please provide an email",
        email: "Please provide a valid email"
      surname: {
        required: "Please provide a surname",
        surname: "Please provide a valid surname"

edit found a large demo here

The correct Script will be

remote: function() { var p = $j('#productName').val(); return "../Product/LookupRevision?p=" + p; } instead of

remote: "../Product/LookupRevision"

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