
My home page is 1MB. For users with a 56k modem, that is enormous. My Home Page site from 500k have also used jquery.

What can I do to make the page load faster? Can I cache the ISP I use, and would that be useful?


How can use gzip in

Which type of cache is useful for web pages?

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Enable gzip compression, minify HTML, ... follow YSlow recommendadtions. You could also send a light version of the page immediately and then load some parts using AJAX.


you can use lazy loading pattern, it means that you load content not the first time but on demand

You might like watching "Improving ASP.NET MVC Application Performance" by Steven Smith.

1MB is fairly chunky. You either have a LOT of third party libraries, widgets and so on, or there's some media files like images responsible. Take a look at the images you have in the page: a reasonably high-quality jpeg 800 x 600 should only be around 50k.

1MB is a lot for a home page particularly if you are expecting to have users coming over a 56k modem. I would start by reducing the size of your home page.

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