
In a WPF Application got a WebBrowser and I want it to navigate using a isolated storage file as source.

If I pass a relative path it will complain. I've also ried using "ms-appdata:" and "isostore:" to build the URI but nothing seems to work.

I can't use the NavigateToString as I need JS files to be run as well and they're also store on the isolated space.

Any idea? Thanks!

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What we've finally used is this piece of code:

    Uri url = new Uri("file:///" + rootdir + uri.ToString(), UriKind.Absolute);                    

where rootdir is got by the following method:

    public string GetRootDir()
        Type type = isoStore.GetType();
        FieldInfo field = type.GetField("m_RootDir", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
        string rootDir = field.GetValue(isoStore).ToString();
        return rootDir;

But the main problem is that using file:/// does not allow to use html5 localstorage object...

Any other idea?

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