
I have this code:

_.templateSettings = {interpolate : /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g};

var _d = _.template($('#_d').html());

$.get('/foo', function(data) {

and in HTML:

<div id="_d">
    {{name}} {{phone}}
<div id="output"></div>

/foo returns something like {"name":"joe","phone":"12345"}, but sometimes it doesn't have phone thus simply returns {"name":"joe"}, which will choke template evaluation thus nothing gets printed in output. How do I make a variable optional?

EDIT: /foo is beyond my control

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The || operator is useful for this sort of thing:

$.get('/foo', function(data) { = || "";

But since you're already using Underscore, you can use the _.defaults function. This approach is particularly useful for providing defaults for multiple fields:

$.get('/foo', function(data) {
    _.defaults(data, {name : 'joe', phone : ''});


I liked @namuol solution, another thing that we could do is set the defaults hash at the model extends

var MyModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
    defaults: {
        "foo": "I",
        "bar": "love",
        "yeah": "sara"

Just another option.

You can have an html

<div id="d">
    {{}} {{}}

Use the template as below to avoid undefined variable issue for phone

_.templateSettings = {
  interpolate : /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g

var template = _.template($('#d').html());
var jsonResponse = {"name":"Jeo"}; // phone is missing
var result = template({"data":jsonResponse});

A practical solution would be to include phone in the object, but with an empty value:


There are some good answers above, but you can use _.partial to get a single function that applies a template with defaults:

foobarTemplate = _.template('<%=foo%><%=bar%>')
barPrefilled = _.partial(_.defaults, _, {bar:'def'})
//  "abcdef"
foobarTemplateWithDefaults = function (data) {return foobarTemplate(barPrefilled(data));}
//  "watdef"
foobarTemplateWithDefaults({foo:'foo', bar:'bar'})
//  "foobar"

And then there is the obvious: Put this in the top of your template:

  if (typeof(phone) === "undefined") {
    phone = "";

Working snippet:

$(function() {
      $('#template').html(), {
        interpolate: /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g
      foo: 23,
      // No value for bar
      // bar: 11,
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="x-template" id="template">
  if (typeof(bar) === "undefined") {
    bar = "default";
This is {{ foo }} and {{ bar }}

<div id="result"></div>

(also as jsfiddle)

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