
I am getting error "unexpected token List " while compiling the following code

trigger Lead_Casecloseafter on Lead (after update) {
    // Collect ODST leads
    id vRecordTypeId = [select Id from RecordType where name='ODST_Leads'];
    set<id> vSetCaseId= new set<id>();

    for (Lead
        if (vLead.RecordTypeId == vRecordTypeId && vLead.IsConverted == true)
            vSetCaseId.add (vLead.ODST_Case__c);

    // Looking up associated Case
    List <Case> vLstcase = new List ([select id,name,Case_Number__c,Status from            ODST_Case__c where ID IN:vSetCaseId]);

    for (Case vCase:vLstcase)
        vCase.Status == 'Closed';

            update vLstcase; 
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Judging by the rest of the code, it looks like you're missing an opening brace ({) after this line:

if (vLead.RecordTypeId == vRecordTypeId && vLead.IsConverted == true)

The closing brace immediately after the if closes the function (since there was no block opened for the if), causing the List line to be in an invalid context.

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