
I'm creating a simple html and svg videogame.

In this question I asked about how to do nested elements where the outer one is tilted backwards around the x axis, and the inner one is tilted forward.

nested 3d tilting

To my surprise the solution doesn't work for svg.. Why and is there some other way to achieve this effect?

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SVG has no support for 3D transforms. You can transform the whole SVG (the browser renders it to an image first) but not the individual elements.

  <div id="outer">
    <svg id="inner" width="500" height="500">
      <image x="20" y="90" width="200" height="200" xlink:href='' />

Demo here


The document at uses separate 3D transforms for different things within one SVG. It's not working properly in Chrome, but it is in FF.

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