
My DotNET application allows for plug-in dlls by 3rd party developers. I'd like to facilitate the process of making these plug-ins by offering a set of tools that create empty projects and new standard classes. Essentially, I need to create a typical ClassLibrary project with a bunch of dll references and some PostBuild Events. Also, it would be nice to have a way to set up some basic classes via a Wizard UI.

I know it's possible to create add-ins for Visual Studio, but is this really the preferred mechanism? I could also create a standalone application instead, which would make all the files (*.sln, *.csproj, *.csproj.user, *.cs) on the disk. This way I do not depend on Visual Studio. Is this independence worth the trouble?

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For custom project wizard check following links out:

I think you don't need a custom project SubType and as klausbyskov said you can use a simple project template to do this task instead. But if you want much control on the project, so you have to create a project SubType. Thus, check this link:


The easiest way would probably just be to create a custom project template.

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