
Hey I am new to Mimosa / Bower / Jasmine js and I am trying to make jasmine JS a

Development dependency within my mimosa config. Below is my mimosa config. Notice that I am

pulling in jasmine but the catch is.... it will not copy the jasmine css files. I wanted to load ALL the files out of the core folder and avoid manually adding them to the project

`exports.config = {
  "modules": [
  watch: {
    sourceDir: 'src',
    compiledDir: 'www',
    javascriptDir: 'app'
  vendor: {
    javascripts: 'app/vendor',
    stylesheets: 'css/vendor'
  bower: {
    copy: {
      mainOverrides: {
        "jasmine": [

If there is a better way of doing all this please let me know. How would one setup jasmine with mimosa / bower? What should the file structure look like?

Thanks for any help!

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I threw together a little sample repo that shows pulling in both the .js and the .css from the jasmine-core folder.

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