
Ok, i am creating a bukkit plugin which uses this event:

public void onCreatureSpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent e) {
    // Do stuff

Inside of the event i need and if statement to fire every (x) amount of time the Creature event has been fired.

For instance if 10 creatures spawned, out of those 10, i would need the if statement to fire 2 times.

Out of the two creatures, 2 of them will get a special characteristic. My issue is, how can i make it so where this statement only fires (x) out of the many times it has been fired?

I have also tried something along the lines of the example below, but ran into some issues:

int outOf = Plugin.getConfig().getInt("armourSpawn");
int count = 1;
if(count%outOf==0) {
    // This will fire (x) out of (x) times


Basically, the user will chose (x) out of 10 Monsters will have some certain characteristic in the config.

Out of ALL the creatures (that are monsters) that spawn i want a ration of (x) to 10 that have the characteristic.

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To better illustrate the Random choice solution:

import java.util.Random;

Random rand = new Random();
int percentage = 25; //Set this to whatever percentage you want.

public void onCreatureSpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent e) {
  //This will generate a number between 0 and 99 (inclusive)
  int generatedNumber = rand.nextInt(100);

  //If the generated number is smaller than the percentage you chose, you have "success".
  if(generatedNumber < percentage){
    addCharacteristic(creature, characteristic);
    //Do whatever you need to normally.
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