
I need a Regex to find the certain text in document and change and paste in new line."hello i am here")

need to find all occurrence of and change to

print("hello i am here")

Final looks like this"hello i am here")
print("hello i am here")

Is their any regex that i can do or i need to do manually.

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I believe a regex like this should work:


Replace with:


regex101 demo


^                 # Beginning of line
(\h*)             # Get any spaces/tabs before the line and store in $1
logging\.info\(   # Match ''
([^)]*)           # Get everything between parens
\)                # Match closing paren

Note that the above regex assumes there are no other parens within the function.

The replace means:

$0                # Whole match
\n                # Newline
$1                # Place the indentation
print(            # 'print('
$2                # The part within the `` function
)                 # Closing paren
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