
When I request MySQL directly, I get back date in UTC (I set UTC in MySQL server), but with NodeJS I get UTC+2 local time zone data, why? How can I set NodeJS to get UTC?

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I have added timezone in index.js when initializing mysql connection

var db_config = {
  host     : 'localhost',
  user     : 'xxx',
  password : '',
  database : 'xxx',
  timezone: 'utc'  //<-here this line was missing


Although this is an old question, I had a similar problem and adding the config timezone: 'utc' did not solve the problem (it get worse).

The solution I finally used is to add the config dateStrings : true such that I have a raw string date and mysql module does not do itself the conversion to a javascript date.

Then I use moment.utc(thedatestring) to obtain a suitable javascript object (in the database, I save all dates as UTC in DATETIME columns, independently of the configuration of the host). Using Moment.js.

I know this question is already answered, and old, but if you are using mysql2 library and having problems setting the timezone to UTC, you can do it using "Z" timezone. Z stands for Zulu, explanation from here

const mysql = require('mysql2')
const connection = mysql.createConnection({
  host: 'localhost',
  user: 'root',
  database: 'test',
  password: 'mypass',
  timezone: 'Z',

Setting this timezone configuration means that every Date (Javascript Date object) will be translated TO utc when sent to database and FROM utc when it comes from the database. Here is the implementation, from mysql2 GitHub repository.

after falling to that problem again and again i've found the desired solution.

My nodeJS app fetching data from mySQL db via Sequelize ORM.

Make sure the timezone is the same everywhere.


const timezone = 'UTC'
process.env.TZ = timezone


const sequelize = new Sequelize(database, user, password, 
  options: {
    dialect: 'mysql',

    dialectOptions: {
       /* useUTC: true, **deprecated** */ 
       timezone: 'utc'

Hope it will save someone's time from falling to this loop... :)

Try setting the timezone value to "UTC+0", that worked for me.

You can also set the dateStrings property to DATETIME.

dateStrings: Force date types (TIMESTAMP, DATETIME, DATE) to be returned as strings rather then inflated into JavaScript Date objects. (Default: false)


Old question, but it can be resolved setting the TZ environment variable to 'UTC+0'. There are several ways to achieve that, a few of them are:

  • In bash:
    • $ TZ='UTC+0' node index.js
  • Inside the code:
    • process.env.TZ = "UTC+0"
  • In Visual Code alter the launch.json configuration file. E.g:
        "type": "node",
        "request": "launch",
        "name": "Launch Program",
        "program": "${fileDirname}/${fileBasename}",
        "env": {"TZ": "UTC+0"}  // <-- ADD THIS

i wrote a function for automatically resolving the timezone of the server it's being used from for mysql / mariadb, and made it into a tiny package for anyone interested:

yarn add mysql-tz

import mariadb, { PoolConnection } from "mariadb";
import mysqlTz from "mysql-tz";

const maria_pool = mariadb.createPool({
  database: "SomeDatabase",
  user: 'username',
  password: 'password',
  timezone: mysqlTz(),
  connectionLimit: 25

for e.g., i'm on the east-coast of north america so calling "mysqlTz" would return "GMT-0400"

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