
I'm trying to unzip .zip files on iOS. I tried ZipArchive but got lots of linking warnings about undefined architectures for arm64.

I suppose I could remove the arm64 architecture from XCode, but Apple must have started including it in iOS Xcode project templates by default for a reason, and I don't know enough about the ins and outs of that so don't particularly want to remove it in case it causes headaches in the future.

So I tried ZZipArchive which builds and runs but was failing to open the file, which when I traced through the code I found the failing function was called ZOPEN64(). Surprise surprise it has 64 in its name, can't be a coincidence.

I don't see the point in trying another iOS unzip library as they all seem to be wrappers around minizip etc. and thus will have the same fundamental issues.

Is anybody using an unzip library with iOS 7 AND the latest XCode beta?

What are the consequences of removing the arm64 architecture out of the project if that's the only way for now to get unzip up and running?

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To answer your question, the ramifications of removing arm64 from the architectures is that some classes of application will perform slower on devices with 64-bit capable processors (right now just iPhone 5s) than they would with arm64 builds enabled.

Note: at this point arm64 is required for all applications.

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