
I'd like to add DTCoreText to my project. I followed the instructions (starting at the DTCoreTExt GitHub page) to setup the project using CocoaPods. Finally I've created a "libPod.a" library file.

I've added the library file to my project (by copying the file in to a project sub-folder and added the file to the "Linked Frameworks and Libraries".

Finally I've tried to run the "Smoke test" as defined in the "DTCoreText Programming Guide".

Without success. XCode can't find the DTCoreText.h file (or any other file of this lib).

Have I missed something? Please help! :o)

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Did you check the Header Search Paths in the Build Settings to ensure the path is correct?


Thanks to @Michael and @eharo2, you pointed into the right direction.

I wasn't aware that it's necessary to copy ALL header files together with the library file.

Btw. the relevant path is defined in the Build Settings under Search Paths in Library Search Paths

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