
Adding lfsr to the definition of the member function rsa() in the following code give extra qualification error when compiling with gcc 2.8.2. While I see that this 'qualifier' is put in examples mentioned in this page, I don't know why g++ doesn't accept it.

Here is the code:

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
#include <boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp> 

using namespace std;

class lfsr
    int y, xx, polyLoc, turnCount, n, end, p, q, d, f, e, m, c, l, g;
    boost::dynamic_bitset<> inpSeq;
    boost::dynamic_bitset<> operSeq;
    boost::dynamic_bitset<> bit;
    vector<int> xorArray;
    vector<int> keyReg;
    lfsr(int, int, int, int, int, int, int,
         int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int,
         boost::dynamic_bitset<>, boost::dynamic_bitset<>, boost::dynamic_bitset<>);

    void rsa(int, int, int, boost::dynamic_bitset<> = boost::dynamic_bitset<>(5));

    int key()
        while (polyLoc > 0)
            xorArray.push_back(polyLoc % 10);
            polyLoc /= 10;
        sort(xorArray.rbegin(), xorArray.rend());
        operSeq = inpSeq;
        int x = xorArray[0];

        do {
            for (unsigned int r = 1; r < xorArray.size(); r++)
                bit[4] = operSeq[x];
                y = xorArray[r];
                bit[4] = bit[4] ^ operSeq[y];
            operSeq >>= 1;
            operSeq[4] = bit[4];

        while ((operSeq != inpSeq) && (turnCount < 1024));
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < keyReg.size(); i++)
            if (keyReg[i] == 1)
                m = m + int(pow(2, i));
            n = p * q;
            f = (p - 1) * (q - 1);
            for (int k = 0; end < 1; k++)
                if ((1 + k * f) % d == 0)
                    end = 2;
                    e = (1 + (k * f)) / d;
            g = int(pow(m, e));
            c = g % n;
            return (c);

    lfsr() // Constructor
        y = 0;
        turnCount = 0;
        xx = 0;
        polyLoc = 320;
        n = 0;
        end = 0;
        p = 0;
        q = 0;
        d = 0;
        f = 0;
        e = 0;
        m = 0;
        c = 0;
        l = 0, g = 0;
        boost::dynamic_bitset<> inpSeq(5);
        boost::dynamic_bitset<> operSeq(5);
        boost::dynamic_bitset<> bit(5);

    void rsa(int x, int y, int z, boost::dynamic_bitset<> initSeq)
        p = x;
        q = y;
        d = z;
        inpSeq = initSeq;

    int main()
        lfsr public_key, private_key;
        public_key.rsa(29, 41, 74, 00111);
        private_key.rsa(43, 89, 73, 01011);
        cout << "Public key is: " << public_key.key() << endl;
        cout << "Private key is: " << private_key.key() << endl;
        return 0;
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Dude. Perhaps you should consider making use of named parameters.

What is the "Named Parameter Idiom"

Or if you use Boost, consider using the following.

The Boost Parameter Library

Or, if you do not like that, a single parameter that is a map of a string to a union (or any, also part of Boost).

All of these would be a better alternative to a constructor with 18 parameters.

Besides, your declared lfsr constructor with 18 parameters, does not match your defined lfsr constructor, with 0, parameters.

By declared, I mean the statement that a function exists, witout code.

lfsr(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, boost::dynamic_bitset<>, boost::dynamic_bitset<>, boost::dynamic_bitset<>);

Is your declared constructor.

By defined, I mean the code.


Is your defined constructor. Of course it should be lfsr::lfsr().

void rsa(int x, int y, int z, boost::dynamic_bitset<> initSeq)

Should be as follows.

void lfsr::rsa(int x, int y, int z, boost::dynamic_bitset<> initSeq)

These clues should be enough to get you started.


Try this:

class lfsr {
   // Constructor declaration

// Constructor definition
lfsr::lfsr() {


And I think you are missing a } before your class terminal };.

You should move the whole lfsr() into class lfsr, or declare lfsr(); inside class lfsr before implementing it as

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