
Fatal error: Call to a member function result() on a non-object in F:\xampp\htdocs\application\models\mod_contactus.php on line 24

What is this error ? plase help me to figure out.

my model

function message_count(){

    $this->db->where('contactus_status', 'no');
    $num = $this->db->count_all_results('tbl_contactus');
    return $num->result();


 function message_count()
    if($num = $this->mod_contactus->message_count())
        $count['records'] = $num;



<?php if(isset($count)){echo $result;}?>
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$num = $this->db->count_all_results('tbl_contactus');
return $num->result();

As the function name implies, count_all_results() returns the count of table rows. So $num is of type integer, therefore not an object so calling $num->result() is wrong (and pointless).

If you want the results, fetch them and count them later. Otherwise just return the count:

return $this->db->count_all_results('tbl_contactus');

Anyway, it's all in the manual, as I suggested in your previous question you should read it thoroughly before hacking code together. Or at least read it when you're stuck. Refernce for AR: In this case:


Permits you to determine the number of rows in a particular Active Record query. Queries will accept Active Record restrictors such as where(), or_where(), like(), or_like(), etc.

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