
What is the type PriorityVertex as seen here? I am also writing a getMinSpanningTree method.

Prim's Algorithm

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The PriorityVertex from this example is just a class that the asker created. It is a simple implementation of a vertex in a graph.

This class implements the Comparable interface. The reason for that is that PriorityQueue must compare its elements. This can be achieved in two ways:

  • The elements must either implement the Comparable interface
  • or a Comparator has to be passed to the PriorityQueue, that tells the queue how to compare the elements.

So the PriorityVertex class could roughly look as follows:

class PriorityVertex implements Comparable<PriorityVertex>
    private float priority;

    // Setters, getters ... whatever the vertex needs

    // Implementation of the Comparable interface:
    public int compareTo(PriorityVertex other)
        return, other.priority);
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