
I am getting no luck searching for a standard function to do byte-order conversion to write a lua plug-in for wireshark.

struct.pack doesn't seem to work, at least when doing "require 'struct'", wireshark throws an error.

You can call tvb functions to get an explicit (that's what I am doing now so it's not portable :((( ) conversion to either big endian or little endian, but nothing to the host endian byte order.

I searched and searched online but nothing came up so I am hoping someone can offer a solution.


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Is it enough if you can determine the endianness of the system you are running on?

In Lua 5.1 and 5.2 at least, the 7th byte of the bytecode header is 1 for little endian systems and 0 for big endian systems. You can obtain this byte from any Lua script this way:

string.dump(function() end):byte(7)

If you use LuaJIT you can just check the value of:


Finding this out should be enough to let you write portable code.


Wireshark is close to supporting struct.unpack way of doing things. It's not out on a stable release yet.

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