
I have the following:

string compararcom610b;
//Variables.Gcombinadofavdesf is defined in another class

if (something)
else if (Variables.Gcombinadofavdesf == 1)
    //do stuff_1
else if (compararcom610b == "1" && Variables.Gcombinadofavdesf == 1)
    //do stuff_2

Assuming that in this right moment compararcom610b = 1 and Variables.Gcombinadofavdef = 1, will the stuff_1 be done as well as stuff_2?

Or will only stuff_1 be done?

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Since you use else if as soon as it enter in a block it will skip the others.

it will only execute stuff 1.

If you want both to be executed use this :

if (something)
else if (Variables.Gcombinadofavdesf == 1)
    //do stuff_1

if (compararcom610b == "1" && Variables.Gcombinadofavdesf == 1)
    //do stuff_2


If Variables.Gcombinadofavdesf == 1, then do stuff_1.

Otherwise [else] if compararcom610b == "1" and Variables.Gcombinadofavdesf == 1, do stuff_2.

Does that make more sense?

The second condition on the second else if, the one that checks if Variables.Gcombinadofavdesf == 1 again, is redundant. If Variables.Gcombinadofavdesf == 1 the first check for its value will result in the second else-if being skipped. If it's false, the second check will be false as well.

In an if else-if else-if ... else statement combo, only one will ever be executed. You can think of each extra else-if as being a backup plan if the if before it fails.

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