
I would like to get name of scenario to have meaningful logs and to generate custom report at run-time in java. Scenario class have only has getStatus() and getSourceTagNames() methods. I don't find a way to get scenario name.

Can someone help me to get this resolved ?

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From version 1.6, in addition to, getStatus() and getSourceTagNames(), there is another method, getName() that returns the scenario's description. For example, for a scenario as follows:

Scenario: verify number of topics shown in the UI

scenario.getName() returns "verify number of topics shown in the UI"

I initialize scenario in @Before as follows:

public void before(Scenario scenario) {
    this.scenario = scenario;

Hope this helps.


String scenarioName = scenario.getName();
String[] arrayScenarioName = scenarioName.split("--");
String scenarioName1 = arrayScenarioName[0]; 
String scenarioName2 = arrayScenarioName[1]; 
System.out.println("Scenario Name 1 for this test is -> " + scenarioName1);
System.out.println("Scenario Name 2 for this test is -> " + scenarioName2);

String scenarioId = scenario.getId();
//Takes the Scenario ID and removes the ; and splits it into 2 strings
String scenarioId4 = scenarioId;
String[] parts = scenarioId4.split(";");
String part1 = parts[0]; 
String part2 = parts[1]; 
String part11 = part1.replace('-', ' ');
String part22 = part2.replace('-', ' ');
System.out.println("Scenario ID for this test is -> part11 " + part11);
System.out.println("Scenario ID for this test is -> part22 " + part22);

Once you have the @Before set up them try this to retrieve your Cucumber Feature and Scenario items.

Inside the step definition, you can use CucumberHelper.scenario.getName().

Based on this API you can use getID, getSourceTagNames, getStatus and getClass methods.

Below is the entire code for the problem asked, to save your time:

Scenario scenario;

    public void before(Scenario scenario) {
        this.scenario = scenario;

    @Given("I test scenario name")
    public void test() {
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