
I'm trying to programmatically create a Route 53 CNAME record using the ALIAS settings with the ruby aws-sdk gem.

I can't find a way of doing this in the documentation. I see how to create a record itself but not how I would create an ALIAS one.

rrsets =
rrset = rrsets.create('', 'CNAME', :ttl => 300, :resource_records => [{:value => ''}])
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Below is an example of how you would alias to a S3 Web Site Endpoint in US-WEST-2.


irb> require 'aws-sdk'
irb> rrsets ='Z1234').rrsets #replace Z123 with your hosted zone in which you are creating the record.
irb> rrset = rrsets.create('', 'A', :alias_target => {:hosted_zone_id => 'Z3BJ6K6RIION7M', :dns_name => '' , :evaluate_target_health => false }) # Z3BJ6K6RIION7M is the target hosted zone, in this case Z3BJ6K6RIION7M and can be obtained from the below link, if it's s3.

Endpoints & Hosted Zone Ids:

Note: Alias records can not have TTLs and require target hosted zone ids. The reason they don't have TTLs is that they use the target's TTL.

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