
So I have this issue wherein my puppet master generates a catalog, this catalog is sent to the server which then runs it, but then nothing happens.

I did a printout with:

puppet master --verbose --compile billyjean > derp

    "tags": ["class","file","authorized_keys","node","billyjean"],
    "type": "File",
    "parameters": {
      "source": "puppet:///modules/basetoolkit/ssh/authorized_keys",
      "ensure": "file",
      "path": "/home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys",
      "require": "File[sshfolder]"
    "exported": false,
    "file": "/etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp",
    "title": "authorized_keys",
    "line": 122

So I am expecting it to copy my authkeys to the machine from location "modules/files/basetoolkit/ssh/authorized_keys" to the server, but nothing happens. It also seems there are other things that are not being run, but for now I am testing with this as it is the most non-critical.

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Solution 2

Seems to have worked to remove inheritances and other stuff that is deprecated or marked as "don't use", but for some reason still in most of the manual:


On the client check


There is probably some problem with the code you are attempting to apply on the client By carefully reading this quite verbose file you should see a clue to what the problem is

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