
I've got a JSON of politicians, a list containing their names and party.

Very simply, what I want to do is having a bar chart, the size of the bars depending of the number of politicians from a different party.

Keys look like that:

    "party": "National Liberal Party – True Liberalism",
    "region": "london",
    "name": "Bernard Dube",
    "twitter": ""
    "party": "Alliance Party of Northern Ireland",
    "region": "northern-ireland",
    "name": "Anna Lo",
    "twitter": "Anna4Europe"

Unfortunately, it is not as simple as:

"National Liberal Party": "330", 
"Alliance Party of Northern Ireland": "200"

How can I do that with d3? Thank you!

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build the data u want:

var d = {};
records.forEach(function(i)  {
  if(d[] == null) {
    d[] = 0;
  d[] += 1;
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