
I have created an ODATA webAPI in ASP.NET MVC 5.0, where I am getting data in below format:

    <ArrayOfVMUser xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
    <flag i:nil="true"/>
    <roleName i:nil="true"/>
    <userGroup i:nil="true"/>
    <ModifiedBy i:nil="true"/>
    <ModifiedDate i:nil="true"/>
    <ModifiedBy i:nil="true"/>
    <ModifiedDate i:nil="true"/>

How can I write a URI filter to get list of user whose rolename is 'specialist'

Something like

/api/UsersSvc?$filter=userRoles.VMUserRole.RoleName eq 'Specialist'

Was it helpful?

Solution 2

Finally from Daniel post I realized that I need to use Any | All filter on collection. and below URL worked for me. Thanks Daniel!!

http://localhost:4444/api/userssvc?$filter=userRoles/any(c: c/RoleName eq 'specialist')


This should be possible by using / instead of .

/api/UserSvc?$filter=userRoles/VMUserRole/RoleName eq 'Specialist'

But keep in mind that this is only working for 1-1 or n-1 relations.

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