
Given a PATH of C:\local\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\foo\bin;

How do I escape or otherwise handle the embedded (x86) when using parameter expansion?

Here's what I have now (ultimate aim is to extend the path to a known location if the specified .exe's are not currently in PATH):

for %%g in (touch.exe rsync.exe) do (
  if "%%~dp$PATH:g" =="" set PATH=%PATH%;%~dp0\bin

and the current result (and with PATH being unchanged of course):

\foo\bin\ was unexpected at this time
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If it is a cmd line program that you can run to get a help screen etc, then this is one option: it will add the folder to the path if the file can't be found.

name.exe /? >nul 2>&1 
if %errorlevel% equ 9009 set path=%path%;c:\files\bin
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