
I have a program which makes some calculations according to user data. The program works fine ,but when i try to use achartengine in order to make the plot ,it crashes.(doesn't do the plot)

I am not sure if i am passing right the data in the LineGraph class.

As i understand i must use

"Bundle sth=getIntent.getExtras()" but i am not sure where to put it in LineGraph.

I have the number_cores class which in which the user enters the data and then presses the calculate button and in another activity shows the result. In this , i have :

public void cores_func(){
             double initcores=Double.parseDouble(num_cores.getText().toString().trim());
             double half_time=Double.parseDouble(halftimecores.getText().toString().trim());
             double ttime=Double.parseDouble(timecores.getText().toString().trim());
             double l=Math.log(2)/half_time;
             double fcores=initcores*Math.exp(-l*ttime);

             Intent i=new Intent(this,core_calcs.class);

Then , in the core_calcs class (as you can see from the intent above) , i show the result and also i added a button which when the user clicks it ,shows the graph (right now ,it crashes here).

I have (core_calcs) in the onCreate method :

double fcores=getIntent().getExtras().getDouble("value");
        double initcores=getIntent().getExtras().getDouble("value2");

and then :

 public void onClick(View v) {
    switch (v.getId()){
        double fcores=getIntent().getExtras().getDouble("value");
        double initcores=getIntent().getExtras().getDouble("value2");
        Intent i = new Intent();        
        i.putExtra("value", fcores);
        i.putExtra("value2", initcores);

(also, i have the public void LineGraphHandler (View view) here)

Finally , in the LineGraph class (the intent above):

public class LineGraph extends Activity {

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){


    Bundle extras=getIntent().getExtras();
    String fcores=extras.getString("value");
    String initcores=extras.getString("value2");

public Intent getIntent(Context context){

    //double ttime=getIntent(context).getExtras().getDouble("value");

    double [] x = {0,100};           //time axis
    double [] y = {initcores,fcores};  //number of cores axis

    TimeSeries series = new TimeSeries("Number of cores");
    for (int i=0;i<x.length;i++){

    XYMultipleSeriesDataset dataset=new XYMultipleSeriesDataset();

    XYMultipleSeriesRenderer mRenderer =new XYMultipleSeriesRenderer();
    XYSeriesRenderer renderer =new XYSeriesRenderer();

    Intent intent=ChartFactory.getLineChartIntent(context, dataset, mRenderer,"Decay");

    return intent;


How to pass the data (initcores and fcores ) to the LineGraph?

--------Error messages ---------------------------------------------

W/dalvikvm(734): threadid=3: thread exiting with uncaught exception

(group=0x4000fe70) 01-15 18:42:01.334: E/AndroidRuntime(734): Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to uncaught exception

E/AndroidRuntime(734): android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: Unable to find explicit activity class

have you declared this activity in your AndroidManifest.xml?

(I have declared the activity for the LineGraph and also "org.achartengine.GraphicalActivity") Thanks!

Was it helpful?


Bundle approach:

Intent searchIntent = new Intent();        
searchIntent.putExtra("value", initcores); // key/value pair, where key needs current package prefix.                   
searchIntent.putExtra("value2", fcores);

and in your LineGraph activity:

class LineGraph extends Activity{
   private Double initcores;
   private Double fcores;

   public Double getInitcores(){ return this.initcores;} 
   public void setInitcores(Double initcores){ this.initcores=initcores;} 
   public Double getFcores(){ return this.fcores;} 
   public void setFcores(Double fcores){ this.fcores=fcores;} 

   public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras(); 
    Double initcores= extras.getDouble("value"); 
    Double fcores= extras.getDouble("value2"));

  public Intent getIntent(...){
                  Double initcores= getInitcores();
                  Double fcores= getFcores();

SharedPreferences approach:

    SharedPreferences sp =PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);      
    SharedPreferences.Editor ed= sp.edit();
    ed.putInt("screen_width", 480);     

and in your next activity

    SharedPreferences sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
    int width = sp.getInt("screen_width",default_int_value);

hope this helps abit

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