
Is there an operating system neutral way for Ruby to send keyboard and mouse events to the underlying operating system?

One obvious (to me) approach is to use the Ruby/Java bindings and use java.awt.Robot, but that just seems silly.

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For Mac:

gem install rb-appscript

Then you can test it with a script like this:

require "rubygems"
require "appscript"
include Appscript

app("System Events").keystroke("Look Ma, keystrokes!")

For Windows: (untested, borrowed from this thread)

require "win32ole"

wsh ="WScript.Shell")
while not wsh.AppActivate("Notepad")
  sleep .1
wsh.SendKeys("Look Ma, keystrokes!")


For completeness sake, I thought I would include a solution for if you're using Linux.

On Linux, for automating keystrokes you can use xdotool. There also a gem for Ruby, but it's not really required considering that send keystrokes is a easy as:

%x(xdotool key super+w) #this would press the keys super and w simultaneoulsy

There's also mouse events too.

Unfortunatly, rb-applescript is a little dated and wonky.

For the mac, you may want to use:

%x(osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to keystroke "Look Ma, keystrokes!"')
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